As everyone knows the student loan provided for us to ‘live’ on is nowhere near enough. Last year my accommodation was £6000+ and my loan was the minimum. BUT FEAR NOT. You can budget well- especially if you get on well with your flatmates, sharing is caring after all. The market is a good place to start, it’s so cheap for fruit and veg, which are healthy and help fight off the inevitable fresher’s flu. (Just to clarify, you WILL get fresher’s flu at some point even if you take extreme precautions.)
Another way to save money is cooking in bulk and freezing. It’s convenient and simple- plus works out very cheap per meal. For example, make a chilli or a curry! Then all you need to add is rice which is so easy, especially if you want a quick meal before training or a night out.
Go for own brands over popular brands. It’s basically the same stuff in it, just marketed well. However, there is one exception to the rule; do not buy cheap tomato sauce, Heinz is definitely best. So, why buy a jar of pasta sauce for like £4 when there’s one with the same ingredients that’s only £1?!
Shopping around is the way forward, look for deals at supermarkets, but if you can get yourself to an Aldi over a Morrisons- you’re on to a winner.